For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Brushing Off the Cobwebs

It's been a long time since we've updated the 'ol blog.  Much has happened.  We've had our sweet Moses for a year now!  We've had birthday celebrations, 2 years with Judah, visits to the beach, a missions trip to Uruguay and hundreds of days in between with just the every day chaos that is our lives.  If you've read any of my blogs, you know they start with a new adoption and end shortly after coming home when time is at a premium and personal time, non-existent.  Go ahead and connect the dots..........

So, here we are dusting off the blog, blowing away the cobwebs and preparing for our next big adventure.


  1. Yay for a new blog post and yay for a new adoption!!!!

    Jamie Ashotn

  2. You guys are the BEST kind of crazy! Can't wait to hear about all of your new adventures. Miss you guys.

  3. After five years of marriage you would think I would have learned how to spell Ashton :) Just wanted to say how much I love the new pictures of the kids!!!

  4. Woohoo!! I love it that all of the families in our "travel group" are starting new adoption journeys. Good luck! I can't wait to follow along.

  5. Waiting patiently for an update!!!-- Berta
