For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10

Monday, March 15, 2010

Shopping Pictures


  1. Hey Lisa! You guys are on the home stretch now!! I know you're counting down the days. I still can't believe you're there and have another son. He is so precious. He even looks like Mario! I can't wait to see what he thinks of the other children.
    I'm so glad you guys have Elvin! I think I also saw Tom in the Beijing photos, didn't I? Tell Elvin Show Show's family says hi!!! :)
    We love you and continue to pray for all of you.

  2. This week at pathway, we are having a "prayer and praise" night. You better bet you guys are #1 on the list! :) He is beautiful! ---Rebekah

  3. Lisa and Mario,
    I am enjoying reading yours posts and seeing the pictures of Moses everyday. He is precious! I know that you are happy to be in GZ now, and can't wait to be home with ALL of your family. It won't be long now! I am praying for you all!

    Lori Cross

  4. We continue to follow your progress in China. Aimee shared at Pathway Sunday night that you were feeling a bit discouraged. We of course lifted your family in prayer that evening as a group. Sorry to hear about the day at the medical facility. I'm sure your heart was breaking. Be encouraged that God is still in control and it's almost over. You'll be home soon. We love you guys and will continue to pray for you.

    The Schriners
