For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Shepherd's Field

Today we skipped the sightseeing in Beijing to join our dear friends, Jamie and Tyler, in visiting Shepherd's Field.  It is an orphanage about an hour outside of Beijing.  The work they do is amazing.  They are truly following God's call to help the orphan and to care for the 'least of these'.   Our hearts were moved.  Of all the things we have seen and done (not including getting our son, of course!)  this was the best. 
We spent the day there, touring and spending time with the children.  This particular place only cares for special needs children and the range of need was great.  Some were minor/non detecable to severe cebreal palsy.  We heard heartbraking stories.  Some made me want to openly weep. I don't know how much I can share, so I will refrain from telling the stories we heard.  I will only post the pictures we took and request that you go to their website.  You can sponsor the care of these sweet children and and ensure their stay in this loving home.  Mario and I are bringing home information about how you can help.  We will be tracking you each down, one by one.  :)  Just Kidding. The pictures I have posted are of our time at Shepherd's Field---the children we saw and loved on.  And for good measure, I threw in one of Moses doing what he does best, looking good. 
On a more serious note, we touched, held, kissed, hugged and loved on these children.  We ate lunch with the staff.  We walked their grounds, saw their facilities, witnessed their unconditional love for the children that society threw away, gave up on, and left to die.  We will never be the same.  May God never allow us to be the same.  May He change your hearts and not allow you to walk away from your computer screen the same.  May He challenge your heart, burden your soul until you must move, must act, must change to conform to His likeness and love the unloveable............



  1. I was so moved by the pictures. What a beautiful ministry!

  2. Can you bring them all home? We have been tracking your daily progress. Love the posts and the pictures. Can't wait until your return. Praying.

    The Schriners

  3. We have always wanted to go their on one of our adoption trips. I know OCDF will arrange a day or half day of service there too. Should have done it last trip with the whole family!! Our time line was so tight that we didn't. I am so glad you went. Thank you for sharing.
    Your boy is too, too cute! Love his favorite phrase in Chinese. Tovah's favorite phrase was Mei You (for her it meant I dont want)!
