For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them.  Ephesians 2:10

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Moses' First Plane Ride

We made it to GZ.  Thankfully our guide moved us up to an earlier flight since the flight we were scheduled to take was delayed.  Moses did well on his first flight.  Hopefully I can better prepare for our loooong trip home, now that I've seen him on this flight. 
Anyway, we are here at the White Swan Hotel.  It is just as beautiful as we remember.  The room is cool (I'm talking about the temp.  -our room in Beijing was H-O-T) and it is refreshing to know we are on the last leg of our journey.  Our guide delivered pizza to us in our rooms.  And, yes, we have Elvin.  :)  We were VERY happy to see him.  God has provided us with two good guides who go out of their way to explain to our son where we are going and what we are doing without us having to ask. 
Back to the pizza, having missed lunch I hardly cared what was on the slice I was first.  Once I got over my immediate hunger, I had to do a double take.  Our vegetarian pizza had broccoli, carrots, potatoes (raw), and eggplant on it.  Why didn't we just say 'cheese' only?  Live and learn.
I've posted a couple pictures of Moses on the plane.  We'll post more tomorrow.  Love you all.  Thank you for your prayers and comments.  The comments help us feel connected.  Thank you and keep them coming!


  1. Humm...Do they even have cheese in China? I can't remember but I know that they did not have it at McDonalds and most Chinese people I know do not like cheese.

  2. Glad you made it to Guangzhou and you have ELVIN! Love the pictures of Moses on the plane. So cute!!!

  3. He looks so happy. So glad Moses seems to be doing well. Please say hello to Elvin for us! Jena and fam

  4. I just love his smile :) Your pizza experience reminded me of the one we had in Germany. It was covered in tuna fish and corn and believe it or not it wasn't too bad. Happy to hear that your guide is Elvin. (I've heard only good things about him. Wish we had gotten to meet him.) Continuing to pray for you both and all of your sweet babies.

  5. So everyone here wants to know if Elvin ever got married??? Jena

  6. Very cute pictures. Especially the one of Moses holding a picture of the two of you!
    Thanks for the updates!
    The Speweiks

  7. I know that you are so happy to be in Guangzhou!! So glad that Moses did so well on the plane!!! Praying he does just as well on the LONG flight home!!! Enjoy your stay at the White Swann!!! We loved staying there too!!!

  8. So happy you made it to GZ! I'll make myself a note to stick to the "cheese only" pizza. :) Please tell Elvin that the Newsomes send their love!! Bobbi from CWA
